Expedited border wall construction jeopardizes church, environment
From the Christian Century: the US Border Patrol has given notice to leaders of the Border Church (La Iglesia Fronteriza) that the 30'...

Trump quiere finalizar aunque sea una fracción del muro que prometió
Reportero Manuel Ocaño (La Opinion) entrevista a activistas locales sobre la prisa de la administración saliente de Trump para completar...

For a vision of what Friendship Park could be, look to our border with Canada
AP reporters visit holiday gatherings on our Northern and Southern borders. The contrast is startling. Read the whole story here.

Bipartisan Spending Bill Commits Over $1 Billion To Border Wall Construction
KPBS reporter Max Rivlin-Nadler speaks with local activist Pedro Rios about the impact of planned replacement walls at the westernmost...