Festejan 50 años del Parque de La Amistad
Khennia Reyes, El Imparcial Tijuana, B.C.- La comunidad de Tijuana y San Diego celebró los 50 años del nacimiento del Parque de La...

San Diego, Tijuana push for change on 50th anniversary of Friendship Park
Nia Watson, San Diego News 10 For many families, Friendship Park was the only place they could reunite with loved ones separated by the...

Friendship Park celebrates 50 years of US-Mexico relations
Clara Benitez, Fox Border Report On August 22, Friendship Park celebrated 50 years since former First Lady Pat Nixon inaugurated it in...

Se cumplen 50 años del Parque de la Amistad, el sitio que reúne corazones
Jacqueline Ponce León, Conexión Migrante Miles de familias dependen del Parque de la Amistad para poder convivir un momento con sus...

South County's Friendship Park Celebrates 50 Years
Alexandra Rangel, KPBS Fifty years ago Wednesday, then-first lady Pat Nixon visited the U.S.-Mexico border where San Diego meets Tijuana...

Port of Entry: Fifty Years of Friendship Park
Kinsee Morlan, KPBS Port of Entry. This week, Friendship Park turns 50 years old. But the binational park at the U.S.-Mexico border fence...