South County's Friendship Park Celebrates 50 Years
Alexandra Rangel, KPBS Fifty years ago Wednesday, then-first lady Pat Nixon visited the U.S.-Mexico border where San Diego meets Tijuana...
Port of Entry: Fifty Years of Friendship Park
Kinsee Morlan, KPBS Port of Entry. This week, Friendship Park turns 50 years old. But the binational park at the U.S.-Mexico border fence...
La Patrulla Fronteriza sigue con política arbitraria en el cierre del Parque de la Amistad
(Pedro Rios, AFSC) El 13 de junio, caminaron en silencio docenas de personas por la playa cerca del Parque de la Amistad. La acción fue...
Friendship Park will remain closed for now
(Alexandra Mendoza, San Diego UT). Families separated by the border, eager to reunite with their loved ones at Friendship Park between...
Friendship Park on US Side Closed Until Further Notice
(Telemundo 20) It has been more than a year since the International Friendship Park remains closed on the U.S. side, a situation that...
Short film on Friendship Park’s origins part of virtual film festival
The short film, “Too Long Here,” directed by Emily Packer, shows archival footage from the day that then First Lady Pat Nixon flew to the...
When is Friendship Park reopening?
State Parks officials anticipate Border Field State Park will re-open to vehicles, as well as pedestrians and trail use, in June. Read...
El Parque de la Amistad podría reabrir en verano
Border Field State Park, que alberga al parque binacional, reabriría en junio; Patrulla Fronteriza daría acceso entonces. Lea el articulo...
Repensando el espacio público en Friendship Park – Voice of San Diego
Maya Srikrishnan de Voice of San Diego informa sober los esfuerzos de los Amigos del Parque de la Amistad, dirigido por el arquitecto Jim...
Rethinking Public Space in Friendship Park
Voice of San Diego's Maya Srikrishnan reports on the efforts of the Friends of Friendship Park, led by architect Jim Brown, to solicit...